
Tag Archives: careers

Education and Employment: 5 Challenges of Working and Studying at the Same Time
Everyone’s heard of work-life balance, but is there such a thing as work-study balance? Of course, there is! While there are some advantages to working and [...]
Most attractive industries to work in
Have you ever been subject to the age-old cliché, ‘if you could go back and start over, what would you do as a career?’ Unfortunately for many of us, the [...]
retail industry
How the retail industry can help reduce unemployment
Unemployment is not desirable for the public or the government. For the public, it’s an issue of instable income and struggling to make ends meet. For the [...]
graphic designer
Step into a new career in 2019… how about a design role?
At the beginning of a new year, it’s not uncommon to get itchy feet and think about making changes, whether it’s a new home, a funky hairstyle or even a [...]
pay gap
Is there a gender pay gap in the legal sector?
Earlier this year, the UK government took a greater focus on the gender pay gap and equal pay. Companies with over 250 employees were told that they needed [...]
power distribution
An Overview of the Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Sector
Are you searching for a job opportunity in the electric power transmission and distribution sector? Whether you hold a reputable engineering degree or are [...]
Tips on Using Recruitment Agencies Effectively
You are the one who knows your organization and its needs the best. But, taking help from a recruitment agency adds value to your existing expertise. [...]