
Science & Engineering

lifting equipment
The Industries That LOLER Applies To
In the UK there are a series of rules in place to prevent serious accidents from taking place at the workplace. Some environments are more dangerous than [...]
What impact has veganism had on farming?
According to the Vegan Society, 42 per cent of UK vegans made the choice to go meat-and-dairy-free in 2018, showing how rapidly the movement is picking up [...]
Investing in infrastructure: How the UK will support a growing population
The UK population is growing at a rapid rate, and has more than doubled in the past 150 years. According to population experts, the UK will be home to over [...]
Will programming skills be essential for engineers of the future?
All industries evolve over time. If we look at the construction industry, it’s now commonplace for advanced technology like building design software to [...]
power distribution
An Overview of the Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Sector
Are you searching for a job opportunity in the electric power transmission and distribution sector? Whether you hold a reputable engineering degree or are [...]
green energy
Green Energy
For years, humans have heavily depended on the use of fossil fuels, beginning with the start of the Industrial Revolution, when most of our activities [...]
Legionella Testing Kits Ensure Safe Water Systems, Always!
We all know how important water is for the existence of human kind. All of us are all dependent on safe and clean water for our day to day living, be it [...]